
Hello, future.

Hello, future.

It's 2021.12.01 on the lunar calendar today.

Hello, everyone! Hello, future! Each new year of late I think to myself that the future is here. I'd never imagined hitting the twenties of the two-thousands. While it's still 2021 on the lunar calendar, the Year of the Tiger is near and I feel a certain psychic energy on the horizon. No doubt that the year is going to be dynamic.

I recently participated in a webinar on C.G. Jung's technique of "Active Imagination," only about three-quarters tuned in as I milled about my kitchen. But I still came away with a vision in which a field was cleared and I heard the phrase "Year of Jubilee"—a biblical reference to the year of being freed from debts and bondage that comes every fifty years. It'll be a year of liberation.

Instead of bumbling into another year as I've been wont to do in my thirties, I did

taking stock of the past year before I look forward. My personal life can be summed up by the theme "upset"—as in overturn or upend—and my professional life by "sow."

Naturally, a season of harvest will follow and I'm eager to share with you some of the fruit including a few scoring projects (my draft of a score for one is pictured in the header). I think I have a knack for composing to a narrative and I plan to take steps to do more of it going forward. The commissions have reminded me how much I love composing. It's so fun! And doubly so when I get to collaborate with friends.

Tidbits on teaching

There's potentially a bit of exciting news coming on the teaching side too. I often wonder how we can dismantle the white supremacy inherent in music education, and I may soon be able to share a lesson I designed in joining the effort to decolonize arts education.

I also put together a

 with details on private lessons as well as workshops to field inquiries from strangers. (And I taught my first Zoom gayageum lesson!) Now that it's up, I'm sharing it here in case anyone is interested in voice lessons.

Did you enjoy the holiday season? Mine was wild. Cake can be both a good way to cope and a good way to celebrate. Below are gifs of me celebrating.

Still hooked on João Bosco singing/playing Ingenuidade 🎧I'm feeling very exclamation mark !! I may not know you but I love you and am excited to write to you in another month!


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