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- 2022.05.01
It's 2022.05.01 on the lunar calendar today.
Hello, hope you're finding respite on this holiday Monday! I've been teetering between apathy and uneasiness, and I'd like to snap out of it—look forward to the upcoming summer of fun, work, and fun work. Please don't let the most infectious form of COVID going around derail it.
I'm still growing out my bossa nova bangs from last summer but am glad to be beyond the phase where I resemble Cogsworth from Beauty and the Beast. Do you know who else I resemble, in name anyway? C.G. Jung: Jung is part of my Korean name.
New Music USA
With an award from New Music USA, I've now secured just enough funding for the music production portion of my Jungian album. The thought of going on a recording retreat this summer to make music and hang with Ross, Brandon, Dre, Gavin, and Keith is exciting—and it's going to happen fairly soon!
Carl Jung on the Evil Twin AKA the Shadow
“While some traits peculiar to the shadow can be recognized without too much difficulty as one's own personal qualities, in this case both insight and good will are unavailing because the cause of the emotion appears to lie, beyond all possibility of doubt, in the other person. No matter how obvious it may be to the neutral observer that it is a matter of projections, there is little hope that the subject will perceive this himself ...
The effect of projection is to isolate the subject from his environment, since instead of a real relation to it there is now only an illusory one. Projections change the world into the replica of one’s own unknown face."
Zhuangzi in Love
Here's an excerpt of a song I wrote for the album, imagining how the Daoist philosopher Zhuangzi might have described being in love. I've been writing some off-kilter, heretical love songs and reading Jung appears to be leading me into the genre of science fiction, rooted in ancient ideas.
Currently listening to this song by Korean singer-songwriter Lee Sang Eun 🔉My college roommate Hatty long ago shared one of her songs, saying it reminded her of me.