
Starchy Vegetables Gain Sentience

Starchy Vegetables Gain Sentience

It's 2022.09.01 on the lunar calendar today.

We're officially into fall which means my intake of goguma🍠 will multiply. Sometimes I wonder how many kg/lbs of sweet potatoes I eat per year. I estimate it is a significant amount and possibly more than that of anyone I know.

I started a series of goguma art years ago with the image above. Do you see it? (Hint: Compare with the

.) I'd like to make a full collection to put up. If you see any food items that look like something else, please send me a picture!

Baby Bean & Bugs

My baby sister has published a paper! It was only a few years ago that I realized she is a sentient being—not just an overgrown bean—and already she's writing about "a multi-dimensional framework for documenting students' heterogeneous experiences with programming bugs."  !

The Active Couch Potato

Baby Bean read about the "active couch potato" and asked if that's me. Adding sitting myself to death to the list of things to address at a future point. In my defense, I only turned into a couch potato upon getting a couch this year. Before I was just a potato.

Monstrous Machines

If there are sentient beans and potatoes, is it possible that we can also lose sentience? Ross Moss and I've been going back and forth arranging background vocals and instruments for the album songs and in Ross' words, becoming one with the robots.

What do we lose in the relentless pursuit of optimization and quantification in our lives?

Carl Jung speaks of “monstrous machines,” man’s uncanny tendency to invent things that become more and more dangerous, because they represent “better and better means for wholesale suicide.” Though Jung was likely speaking of nuclear weapons, I wrote a song thinking about what we've since added to the artillery—ubiquitous devices in the palm of our hands. I'm sharing a clip of what I mocked up on my phone for the band. We didn't end up recording it because it felt too didactic for the album but it would've made for fun, face-melting rock.

On a 12-hour road trip with my sisters, we listened to "It's Corn" on repeat 🔉 Is the way to making a living as a musician in this century song-ifying memes?



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