
Greetings From Andy Mouse

Greetings From Andy Mouse

It's 2023.12.01 on the lunar calendar today.

I am collecting short video clips of things that spin—everything and anything from a yo-yo and windmills to cartwheels and a salad spinner—to incorporate into a music video I'm making, so when I read about an "art amusement park" with spinning attractions by Basquiat and the like, I immediately rallied my somewhat indifferent sisters to go.

Then I had the thought for us to wear contemporary art ears (like how one wears mouse ears to Disney Land) but my sister said she left her contemporary art ears back home in the Bay. I ended up just making Andy Mouse ears for myself, along with a few other identifiable markers of Keith Haring's mashup of Andy Warhol and Mickey Mouse.

More Meeces

I've been feeling delinquent in all areas of my life but I'll get on a schedule of releasing new songs starting with the next newsletter. For today, I just have more mouse news. 

Did you hear about the Welsh Tidy Mouse this week? And what do you think will happen to Mickey now that he has entered the public domain? Should we expect a Mickey Mouse slasher movie à la Winnie the Pooh? 

I was talking to someone on Zoom when she mentioned that her brother was tasked with looking for a mouse loose in the kitchen of her apartment. I thought, "Oh no, a mouse!! They need to find the hole it came out of." It turned out the mouse was a beloved pet and she was alarmed for an entirely different reason than I was. Such little moments remind me that we live in a big world with all kinds of people. I'm glad there are people who like meece.

"No cheeses for us meeces" 🔉 I heard this lyric in The Muppet Christmas Carol and have been trying to find more opportunities to say "meece(s)" since.



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